JIPMER MBBS Online Application 2016 - Exam Date, Syllabus, Hall Ticket

 on Wednesday, 26 August 2015  

All about Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) MBBS ✓ Notification ✓ Application Form ✓ Syllabus ✓ Hall Ticket ✓ Eligibility ✓ Question Papers ✓ Answer Key ✓ Exam Date ✓ Exam Pattern ✓ Cut-off Marks ✓ Merit List ✓ Preparation Tips for admission to Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme entrance exam to be held on June 5, 2016.

JIPMER stands for Jawaharlal Institute of Post – Graduate Medical Education and Research which conducts its own entrance test every year for admission in MBBS (Number of seats: 127). The JIPMER 2016 will be conducted in 2016 in between 10 am and 12.30 pm.

Around 150 seats for admission M.B.B.S. course is through an entrance examination conducted by Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry (JIPMER). Duration of the MBBS course is 4 years and 6 months as per the Academic Calendar of JIPMER followed by ONE year of Compulsory Rotatory Internship for award of Degree.

Application Fee:

General (UR) / OBC / NRI / OCI : INR 1000/-

SC/ST/OPH : INR 800/

Mode of payment : Only through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card.

Admission Fee (one time.) : INR 4,000.00

Academic Fee (p.a.) : INR 1,400.00

JIPMER Students Association Fee (p.a.) : INR 2,000.00

Learning Resource Fee (p.a.): INR 2,000.00

Important Dates for JIPMER 2016

Name of college – Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER).

Course offered – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).

Seats – 150.

Admission on basis of – JIPMER MBBS Entrance Exam 2016.

Toll Free Help Line: 18002660371

E-mail ID: jipmermbbsee2015@jipmer.edu.in

Web URL: www.jipmer.edu.in

Contact Address: Office of the Dean, III Floor, JIPMER Academic Centre Dhanvantri Nagar P.O, Puducherry 605 006.

Notification and Application Form – To be available from March 7, 2016 to May 4, 2016. Important dates have been announced.

✓ On-line Registration from: 07.03.2016

✓ On-line Registration closes on : 04.05.2016 (Monday) 5.00 PM

Download of Hall Ticket from JIPMER website www.jipmer.edu.in (The Hall Tickets will be made available through Internet download ONLY and NOT by Post) : 20.05.2016 (Friday) 11.00 AM to 05.06.2016 (Sunday) 8.00 AM

Date & Time of Entrance Examination : 05.06.2016 (Sunday) (10.00 AM to 12.30 PM)

Expected date of publication of Merit List : 13.06.2016 (Monday) 9.00 PM

Who can Apply for JIPMER 2016?

(i) The Applicant should be an Indian National.

(ii) He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2016 , the year of his/her admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01-01-1999.

(Request for relaxation from the prescribed age limit will not be considered for any category of applicants).

(iii) The applicants should have passed the qualifying examinations in the manner mentioned below:

(a) The Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of such study comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Bio-technology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) or any other elective with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after introduction of the 10+2+3 educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education.

(b) The applicant must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Bio-technology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Bio-technology at the qualifying examination and competitive entrance examination. For candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Classes / OPH the marks obtained in the Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Bio -technology taken together in the qualifying examination and competitive entrance examination is 40%.

(c) For OPH candidates in general category the minimum marks taken together in the qualifying examination and competitive entrance examination will be 45%.

(d) The Candidates who have passed the qualifying examina tion other than those mentioned in the list appended in Annexure – I, will have to submit an Eligibility Certificate before admission is finalized. Obtaining such an Eligibility Certificate from Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi is essential for OCI/NRI for admission to JIPMER M.B.B.S. Course.

Note: Applicants who have appeared or will be appearing in the qualifying examination in March / April 2016 and whose results have NOT yet been declared can also apply for admission, if other eligibility criteria (i) (ii) & (iii) are satisfied.

How to apply

Admission to the course is made every year. Call for applications will be announced around February every year and all major news papers in India will carry the announcement. Application form and prospectus will be available in JIPMER and can be obtained in person or by post by paying the prescribed fee in cash or by bank demand draft.

JIPMER reserves the right to reschedule examination due to any unforeseen circumstances or any periodic directive (s) from Competent Authorities. For any updated information refer the www.jipmer.edu.in.

JIPMER 2016 Application Submission Process

  • As the form filling will be done online only, the first step of JIPMER 2016 Application Submission Process is to logon to jipmer.edu.in.
  • Click “Apply Online” for MBBS Admission 2016 .
  • Complete the form as per the required information.
  • The candidates should fill correct and complete information to complete the JIPMER 2016 Application Submission Process without any error.
  • Any type of discrepancies detected at any stage of admission process will lead to rejection of application form.
  • The form submission process will involve remission of form fee via the Bank Challan at SBI Bank Branches. The fee is Rs. 1000/- for GEN and OBC category candidates and Rs. 800/- for ST and SC candidates.
  • The next step of JIPMER 2016 Application Submission Process will involve the uploading of recent passport sized photo and signatures for the online form.
  • The next step will be to take the print out of the completely filled application form bearing the unique Registration Number.
  • The form submission will be complete only after the payment is confirmed at the bank branch where the Bank Challan was submitted.

How to download Hall Ticket for JIPMER 2016

Hall Tickets for the Entrance Examination shall be available for download to candidates whose applications are complete in all respects, from 2016 onwards.

The hall ticket will contain name and date of birth as typed by the candida te in the application, photo and signature image as uploaded by the candidate, Examination City allotted and roll number.

NO change in the category/Age/Name/DOB will be entertained after submission of application. The candidates in such case have to apply afresh within the prescribed closing date.

Request for rectification / change of any other details in the hall ticket shall NOT be considered under any circumstances.

NO candidate will be allowed to appear for the Entrance Examination unless he/she holds the Hall Ticket from the website of JIPMER.

The JIPMER 2016 Cutoff for all the categories is as follows:

The Cutoff score of JIPMER MBBS 2016 entrance exam will be based on various factors such as availability of seats, number of applicants and difficulty level in the entrance examination. The cut off mark of JIPMER MBBS 2016 will derived from the total marks secured by candidates out of 200. The important highlights of JIPMER MBBS 2016 cut off for General and OBC categories candidates are given below:
Category Cut off Marks
  • Number of Candidates Qualified -  281
Opening  - 172
Closing  - 155
OBC Non Creamy Layer (OBC NCL)
  • Number of Candidates Qualified -  160
Opening  - 167
Closing - 147
JIPMER MBBS Result 2016 :

The result will be displayed on the Notice Board of Academic Section, JIPMER and will also be available at JIPMER website at www.jipmer.edu.in Candidates can download their Rank Letter from the website portal (www.jipmer.edu.in). Results of individual candidates will NOT be communicated in any other form/manner.

The Marks Obtained by the candidate in the Result of JIPMER 2016 out of 200 will form the basis of Merit List generation.

A minimum percentage score has been decided by the exam controlling bodies for every category which will serve as the cutoff score for every candidate to be included in the respective merit list of Result.

JIPMER MBBS Syllabus 2016
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) does not prescribe any syllabus for the Entrance Examination. However the questions for JIPMER MBBS EntranceExamination will be based on syllabus for 11th and 12th standard students as prescribed by State Board HSc and CBSE.

The paper has multiple choice questions. The total number of multiple choice questions is expected to be 200, equally distributed in the subjects of English-20, Physics-60, Chemistry-60, and Biology-60. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded one mark. There was no negative marking last year. A merit list will be drawn on the basis of the total marks of 200 obtained in the Entrance Exam by the candidates.

Merit list of JIPMER MBBS 2016

Merit Ranking would be based on percentile and the individual marks obtained by the Candidates will be displayed along with percentile score.

Merit List would be drawn category wise based on minimum percentile as given below:
Category Minimum Percentile
Unreserved (UR)/OCI 50
Unreserved (UR) - OPH 45
SC / ST / OBC 40
Candidates who secure less than the minimum percentile in the Entrance Examination will NOT be considered for admission and their names will NOT be included in the Merit List

Only those NRI / OCI candidates who opt for admission under Self Financing Scheme at the time of application itself will be considered for the merit list to 5 Seats for NRI/OCI status candidates.

Request for change of Category/Status submitted in the application shall NOT be entertained /considered under any circumstances.

Individual letters will NOT be sent to the selected candidates and to those who are placed in the waiting list. Please check the website for the lists. They will be required to attend Counseling and Medical Examination at the Institute at their own cost on the notified date. Before entry to the counseling hall, candidates will be subjected to biometric authentication of finger print and image. They have to produce the original Mark Sheet of the qualifying examination and other original documents mentioned in this Prospectus such as proof of age, Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate, etc. Admission will not be finalized unless the candidates produce all the original documents and the Transfer Certificate.

Name of the 12th class examination and the affiliated University/Board:

1. Central Board of Secondary Education – All India Senior School Certificate Examination.

2. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination – Indian School Certificate (Year – 12) Examination.

3. Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh – Intermediate Examination.

4. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council – Higher Secondary (+2) Examination.

5. Bihar Intermediate Council – Bihar Intermediate Examination.

6. Board of Secondary Education, Chhattisgarh – Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination.

7. Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education – Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination.

8. Gujarat Secondary Education Board, Gujarat – Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (10+2 Pattern).

9. Board of School Education, Haryana – Senior Secondary Certificate Examination.

10. Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education – Senior Secondary (+2 ) Examination.

11. The Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education – Higher Secondary Part II Examination, Jammu/Kashmir Region.

12. Jharkhand Intermediate Council, Jharkhand Intermediate Examination.

13. Board of Pre-University Examination, Karnataka – Second Year Pre-University Examination.

14. Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala – Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (10+2).

15. Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh – Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (10+2).

16. Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education – Higher Secondary Certificate Examination.

17. Council of Secondary Education, Manipur – Higher Secondary Examination.

18. Meghalaya Board of School Education – Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination.

19. Mizoram Board of School Education – Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination.

20. Nagaland Board of School Education – Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination.

21. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa – Higher Secondary Examination.

22. Punjab School Education Board – Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (Part – II).

23. Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan – Senior Secondary Examination.

24. Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Tamil Nadu – Higher Secondary Examination.

25. Tripura Board of Secondary Education – Higher Secondary (+2 Stage) Examination.

26. Board of Intermediate Examination, Uttaranchal – Intermediate Examination.

27. Board of Intermediate Examination, Uttar Pradesh – Intermediate Examination.

28. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Examination – Higher Secondary Examination.

29. Any other examinations recognized by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi which is equivalent to 12th Std. Examinations.

Click here to fill online application for JIPMER MBBS 2016

JIPMER MBBS Online Application 2016 - Exam Date, Syllabus, Hall Ticket 4.5 5 Sarah Parker Wednesday, 26 August 2015 All about Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) MBBS ✓ Notification ✓ Application Form ✓ Syllabus ✓ H...


  1. can you tell me the exact date of jipmer 2015 application pmt form

  2. I hv tkn chem bio phy and comp in 11 nd 12 clss So plz, tll whether i cn gve d xam or not

  3. what is the last date for filling the jipmer mbbs 2015 on line application form?

  4. Can you provide me a relevant syllabus for mbbs entrance exam?

  5. what should i write in the subject column

  6. How to download admit card?

  7. we online submit the MBBS application from house,but no print in our house. we received your username & ID no. but we cannot logon your site for printing appln.form .please reply

  8. Iforget my password for jipmer medical held on june 05. Please help me to regain my password


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